Saturday, July 12, 2014

EIDT 6501: Elevator Speech- The truth about training

I am Justin Ward an Instructional Designer, entrepreneur, leader and visionary. Your position on training is 
not surprising but is typical. However, training ain’t performance and telling ain’t training (Stolovitch & Keeps). “Training skills are necessary to perform, but not sufficient alone” (Stolovitch).  Allow me a moment to increase clarity and address issues that may persist. 
Training, instruction, and education are all used to trigger learning. The whole purpose of the three is to enable people to learn. The mission is not to transmit information but to transform learners (Stolovitch & Keeps).
Training should actually support the organizations goals and objectives. The three of them, training, instruction, and education, work together to achieve desired behavioral outcomes, enhance intellect and efficiency. Top down one way communication is not enough. Relevant training keep team members relevant, updated, competitive, and highly knowledgeable which is vitally important to the success of the entire organization

Stolovitch, H. D., & Keeps, E. J. (2011). Telling ain't training. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press
Stolovitch, H. (n.d) “The Truth about Training” Laureate Video Media.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

EIDT 6501 Week 2 A2: Blog Post: Planning for a Needs Assessment

As illustrated and explained in Chapter 3 of the Noe text, a needs assessment is the first step in the design of any training program and consists of organizational, person, and task analyses. For this activity, assume that you have been asked to perform a needs assessment for one of the following companies:

- Whole Foods (

What stakeholders would you want to make sure to get buy-in from?
What questions would you ask (and to whom would you address them) during the organizational, person, and task analysis phases?
What documents or records might you ask to see?
What techniques would you employ (see Table 3.2 on page 108 of the Noe text), and why?

Choose ONE of the above companies, and spend some time exploring it online. (Note: You may choose an organization that is not on this list, if you prefer.) Try to get a sense of the organization's products and/or services, consumers, management philosophy, and strategic objectives. Based on this, how might you approach the needs assessment? Specifically:

My selection is the company Whole Foods. For this assignment, Whole Foods seems to be recurring appearing in various ways. My wife mentioned it before told her of my choice for this assignment.  My family’s recent visit to an agriculture expo we met AL Hooks of AL Hooks Produce whose Macon County Farm provides produce Wal-Marts and Whole Foods Markets across the country. Furthermore my family history is in farming. My father grew up on a farm. My grandfather and two of his brothers farmed. Their farms were all by one another.

Whole Foods expresses a wide array of missions’ values efforts and movements. Commitment to society organic farming core values environmental stewardship seafood sustainability whole trade animal welfare are the areas of mission and values of Whole Foods Market.

Whole Foods are dedicated to providing best product at the most competitive price. Stakeholders would include Co-Ceos John Mackey’s and Co-Ceos Walter Robb and other officers just some of the stakeholder.  The Farmers, producers, land owners, transport and other workers or employees that help to facilitate the process that allows whole foods to conduct business with producers and consumers. These would be included in some situations due to the unique differences of each store in different areas. Organizational analysis involves identifying whether training supports the company’s strategic direction; whether managers, peers and employees support training activity and what training resources are available (Noe, p.112).

“Task analysis results in a description of work activities, including tasks performed by the employee and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to complete the tasks” (Noe, p. 135). The Task analysis is completed after the organizational analysis. The competency model will allow them to find the most competencies to fill open positions Person analysis can help them determine if the measures taken were the proper solution. This is the effort to make sure the training worked. Survey and interviews will provide the insight and data need for study results. Whole Foods Market is a very wholesome brand!

Noe, R. A. (2013). Employee training and development (6th ed.). New York, NY: 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Budget: Which type works for you?

When budgeting, things can be both overwhelming and confusing. The 50/20/30 rule may work for you.

Good Day & Good Reading!