Sunday, August 17, 2014

Personal Development Plan

Blog—Personal Development Plan Blog—Personal Development Plan
Write your own personal development plan designed for you specifically and post it on your blog. Include the following components in your plan:
  • Four types of development (from this week's Learning Resources) that you will advocate for your employer to provide you and/or that you will pursue on your own (for example, continuing your professional learning outside of the workplace)
  • A rationale for each of your development ideas

Formal Education: My present position at the current company and the underdevelopment or lack of development offered, formal education as well as informal education will be something pursued continuously. Further enhancing my education through business and entrepreneurship courses further enhances my development to successfully run businesses.
Action Planning: The short term and long term career goals must be carefully mapped out. The plan must be implemented properly and executed fully.  The following must be considered:
  • Professional goals and motivation
  • Talents or strengths
  • Development opportunities
  • Development objectives and action steps
  • (Noe 374)

Formal Education: My present position at the current company and the underdevelopment or lack of development offered, formal education as well as informal education will be something pursued continuously. Further enhancing my education through business and entrepreneurship courses further enhances my development to successfully run businesses.

Action Planning: The short term and long term career goals must be carefully mapped out. The plan must be implemented properly and executed fully. The following must be considered:

Professional goals and motivation 

Talents or strengths

Development opportunities

Development objectives and action steps

(Noe 374) 

Mentor: Mentors who are successful doing what I have planned or are attempting. Individuals who are effective in management organization and other leadership roles will be highly enriching for further enhancement. Inspirational speaking, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, technology literacy and self-sufficient mindset are the areas the mentor will have experienced success.

Assessment: Assessment will also include evaluation; various assessment tools will help identify areas of success and failure as well as strength and weakness. Popular assessment tools include personality test and inventories assessment centers, performance appraisal, and 360 degree feedback systems. (Noe 380)” Various forms of input are valuable in the assessment including performance, behavior, skills or personality characteristics.

Regardless of the approach a development plan has to identify: 

The type of development needed 

Development goals 

The best approach for development 

Whether development goals have been reached

(Noe 407) 

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Employee development [Video file]. Retrieved from 
Noe, R. A. (2013). Employee training and development (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Pace, A. (2010). Unleashing positivity in the workplace. Training and Development, 64(1), 40–44.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

High-Tech Training

Blog Post: High-Tech Training

There is little question that technology use in training is on the rise and is here to stay; however, few would argue that throwing technological components into training programs just to appear "up to date" is wise. Strategically and thoughtfully applying technological components to enhance the impact and/or measurabilitiy of training solutions is what any good trainer strives for.

For this assignment, begin by thinking about the various training technologies outlined in Chapter 8 of the Noe text and in the required article. Consider what impact these technologies are having and will continue to have in training and development environments.
Next, complete the following:

  • Choose FOUR technologies or technological advancements used in training, as described in Chapter 8 of the Noe text and in the required article.
  • Conduct online research (in the Walden library or other reputable site) to find ONE additional article or resource that highlights the use of technology for teaching or training purposes.

Training and technology continue to rapidly develop to enhance train effectiveness. A trainer, educator, team leader or coach must apply or utilize the technologies to impact the trainees to continue using method after training has concluded. Social media, Blended learning, mobile technology learning, and distance learning are four technologies used to enhance and evaluate training. Each has made drastic changes to how information or knowledge is shared and used.

“A shared work space is hosted on a web server where people  can share information and documents.(Noe 320)” Shared work spaces such as Google docs, currently called Google Drive provides tools for almost everything for collaboration, communication and innovation. Noe describes blog, Wikis and shared media to facilitate learning. “A blog is a webpage where an author posts entries and readers often can comment.(Noe 320 )” The web log discuss topics relevant to the writer and his or her audience to share insight and feedback pertaining to the relevant issue. “A wiki is a website that allows many users to create edit and update content and shared knowledge. (Noe 320)” The multiple user features will help individuals or groups to collaborate without being in a face to face setting.

“Shared media refers to the audio or video such as YouTube that can be accessed and shared with others.( Noe 336)” Sharing media content such as photos videos and other learning materials can reach a larger audience. It also is posted where it can be easily located and used as needed. Some other examples are Google+, and Flickr. Any of these technologies help trainees collaborate learns informally by sharing information as needed as well as formally. The social media technology, both online and mobile, are used to create interactive communications allowing the creation and exchange of user-generated content.

“Blended Learning combines online learning, face-to-face instruction, and other methods for distributing learning content and instruction. Blended learning uses classroom to allow learners to learn together and discuss and share insights which helps bring learning to life and make it meaningful. (Noe 338)”
Mobile learning technology such as Podcasts or apps used on android or iPhone, tablets or iPads or notebooks are useful in facilitating learning in formal or informal. Podcast or video program content disturbed in episodes using software such as RSS is a highly utilized method of sharing media content. The content is accessible and useful to the community that has a purpose for the valuable content shared. Apps or applications are designed specifically for smartphones and tablet computers (Noe 345). The mobile tools are great for easily accessing the tools needed to learn effectively. 

Distance Learning is used by geographically dispersed companies to provide information about new products, policies or procedures as well as deliver skills training and expert lectures to field locations. (Noe 347)” Virtual classrooms, teleconferencing, interactive distance learning, webcasting and web conferencing are the tools that provide the flexibility to impact training in alternative settings. In closing it is important to “keep in mind, these tools can provide a wide range of benefits for agencies, such as: Clarity when building business cases, leadership support and assistance to develop new training opportunities to support the needs of a changing generation. (Training and Development Policy Wiki: Leveraging New Technologies for Employee Development Programs, n.d.)” Keeping the pace with the changes that occur in technology is important to get the most from learners, trainees or employees. “Blended learning has been found to be more effective than face-to-face instruction for motivating trainees to learn and for teaching declarative knowledge or information about ideas or topics” (Noe 338). The lasting impact on training effectiveness grabs the learners attention keeping them engaged even after the learning has concluded and learners are back on the job.

Training and Development Policy Wiki: Leveraging New Technologies for Employee Development Programs. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Noe, R.  Employee Training and Development. 2013 McGraw Hill New York, New York

Saturday, July 12, 2014

EIDT 6501: Elevator Speech- The truth about training

I am Justin Ward an Instructional Designer, entrepreneur, leader and visionary. Your position on training is 
not surprising but is typical. However, training ain’t performance and telling ain’t training (Stolovitch & Keeps). “Training skills are necessary to perform, but not sufficient alone” (Stolovitch).  Allow me a moment to increase clarity and address issues that may persist. 
Training, instruction, and education are all used to trigger learning. The whole purpose of the three is to enable people to learn. The mission is not to transmit information but to transform learners (Stolovitch & Keeps).
Training should actually support the organizations goals and objectives. The three of them, training, instruction, and education, work together to achieve desired behavioral outcomes, enhance intellect and efficiency. Top down one way communication is not enough. Relevant training keep team members relevant, updated, competitive, and highly knowledgeable which is vitally important to the success of the entire organization

Stolovitch, H. D., & Keeps, E. J. (2011). Telling ain't training. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press
Stolovitch, H. (n.d) “The Truth about Training” Laureate Video Media.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

EIDT 6501 Week 2 A2: Blog Post: Planning for a Needs Assessment

As illustrated and explained in Chapter 3 of the Noe text, a needs assessment is the first step in the design of any training program and consists of organizational, person, and task analyses. For this activity, assume that you have been asked to perform a needs assessment for one of the following companies:

- Whole Foods (

What stakeholders would you want to make sure to get buy-in from?
What questions would you ask (and to whom would you address them) during the organizational, person, and task analysis phases?
What documents or records might you ask to see?
What techniques would you employ (see Table 3.2 on page 108 of the Noe text), and why?

Choose ONE of the above companies, and spend some time exploring it online. (Note: You may choose an organization that is not on this list, if you prefer.) Try to get a sense of the organization's products and/or services, consumers, management philosophy, and strategic objectives. Based on this, how might you approach the needs assessment? Specifically:

My selection is the company Whole Foods. For this assignment, Whole Foods seems to be recurring appearing in various ways. My wife mentioned it before told her of my choice for this assignment.  My family’s recent visit to an agriculture expo we met AL Hooks of AL Hooks Produce whose Macon County Farm provides produce Wal-Marts and Whole Foods Markets across the country. Furthermore my family history is in farming. My father grew up on a farm. My grandfather and two of his brothers farmed. Their farms were all by one another.

Whole Foods expresses a wide array of missions’ values efforts and movements. Commitment to society organic farming core values environmental stewardship seafood sustainability whole trade animal welfare are the areas of mission and values of Whole Foods Market.

Whole Foods are dedicated to providing best product at the most competitive price. Stakeholders would include Co-Ceos John Mackey’s and Co-Ceos Walter Robb and other officers just some of the stakeholder.  The Farmers, producers, land owners, transport and other workers or employees that help to facilitate the process that allows whole foods to conduct business with producers and consumers. These would be included in some situations due to the unique differences of each store in different areas. Organizational analysis involves identifying whether training supports the company’s strategic direction; whether managers, peers and employees support training activity and what training resources are available (Noe, p.112).

“Task analysis results in a description of work activities, including tasks performed by the employee and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to complete the tasks” (Noe, p. 135). The Task analysis is completed after the organizational analysis. The competency model will allow them to find the most competencies to fill open positions Person analysis can help them determine if the measures taken were the proper solution. This is the effort to make sure the training worked. Survey and interviews will provide the insight and data need for study results. Whole Foods Market is a very wholesome brand!

Noe, R. A. (2013). Employee training and development (6th ed.). New York, NY: 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Budget: Which type works for you?

When budgeting, things can be both overwhelming and confusing. The 50/20/30 rule may work for you.

Good Day & Good Reading!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

EDUC 6145 Week 8 Reflection

 How would you characterize your attitude toward project management and the role it can play on ID projects? How, if at all, has your attitude changed throughout this course?
My attitude about project management has been changed or altered to realize how critical effective efficient project management is to the progress and success of the project. Throughout this course being exposed to the variety of resources and necessary resources to prepare for projects, start and finish projects. Personally I realized my current professional role as college Instructor and Computer Lab Manager that duties of the project manager are done in theses settings. The knowledge gained is a true asset to the success of impacting students, colleagues project teams ID roles and future projects.
·         How do you see project management blending with the instructional design process? How does it apply to the ID context?
Furthermore, project management and the instructional design process parallel or overlap in practice despite having some different terminology. They both require careful detailed planning. Failure to plans results in a plan to fail. The preparation measures taken will pay off before during and after getting the project in motion. Managing the 5 variables, which I was not previously knowledgeable about will help me know the path to travel for future projects. Scope creep although I have experienced it but I did not know what it was called but now I know what to expect since these variable require management in any and all projects
Every Project Requires the Managementof 5 variables: Time, Resources, Expertise, Quality, and Scope(Budrovich) 
Project tasks and responsibilities are measures taken by project managers and Instructional Designers too. Reading much of the content throughout this course reminded me of the instructional design process, specifically the tasks and responsibilities below.
 Project Manager Tasks: Define activites, Identify and engage stakeholders, allocate resources, manage activities, close out the project, plan and execute follow-up and support.  (Stolvich)
Project Manager Responsibilities: Launch the project, manage the different pieces, meet commitments and follow standards. (Stolvich)

·         Whether you are serving as the Project Manager on an ID project, or working with a PM who will manage the project, what skills and competencies would you like to further develop?
Time management skill is something that must always be improved to manage any given situation accordingly. The need to do this is an ongoing task that influences and can very well dictate the success of a project.
.people management skills as well will always be a unique task to tow. “The People Stuff” details the challenges that are often encountered.
Trust Your Judgment
Let Go of Perfectionism
Celebrate the Chaos Within
Embrace the Work Itself
Take the Risk
Just Say No
Listen, Understand, Collaborate
Just Do It!
Consciously Choose Your Attitude
Be the Change You Want to See
(Greer, 5, 2010) 
This will be one of the most valuable resources that were discovered through this course.
·         Provide a specific example of how you will use what you’ve learned in your current job or in a job you anticipate having in the future.
As the lab manager finding more efficient and effective business practices to maintain and enhance the student experience is an ongoing project. Some of the tools discussed and explored are useful in that they will allow me to estimate and figure how much paper is provided and used for printing needs by the student population. The Project Management Minimalist resource clarified elements of project management that were previously unclear. The 10 steps to project success will help me to manage projects issues and work related tasks in more organized manner to care carefully cover all aspects of a project.
Step 1: Define the project concept, then get support and approval.
Step 2: Get your team together and start the project.
Step 3: Figure out exactly what the finished work products will be.
Step 4: Figure out what you need to do to complete the work products. (Identify
tasks and phases.)
Step 5: Estimate time, effort, and resources.
Step 6: Build a schedule.
Step 7: Estimate the costs.
Step 8: Keep the project moving.
Step 9: Handle scope changes.
Step 10: Close out phases, close out the project.                                                                 
  (Greer, 5, 2010) 
This course has broadened and defined my understanding of what consists of project management and how it can be a massive process to perform. Also, “The People Stuff” is so very valuable in helping me management the many people and wide ranging attitudes and personalities encountered continuously throughout the days.

Greer, M. (2010). The project management minimalist: Just enough PM to rock your projects! (Laureate custom ed.). Baltimore: Laureate Education, Inc.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (n.d.). Project Kickoff. [Media Video].
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (n.d.). Project Management and Instructional Design. [Media Video].
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (n.d.). Practitioner Voices: Barriers to Project Success  [Media Video].
 Portny, S. E., Mantel, S. J., Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., Sutton, M. M., & Kramer, B. E. (2008). Project management: Planning, scheduling, and controlling projects. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Week 6 Blog Assignment (EDUC 6415): Scope Creep Experience

A project that experienced issues related to scope creep was also one that felt much like a roller coaster ride. It was participating the in the production of the Back to Class 2012. B2C is an event where a variety of groups and individuals performed. Singing, dancing, rapping, stepping or speaking is what each performance was composed.  Work began well with the initial core of the planning team. After consulting with the production team for the event, the production team grew in numbers and the scope began to creep. Everyone had a unique addition to include in the show.
There was several specific scope creep issues occurred that occurred.  Specifically the addition of more acts/ participants caused the scope to creep. Instead of keeping things simple of course things were complicated; furthermore the scheduled timeframe was yo-yoed, expanding and constricting throughout the process. At first it was scheduled for only 2 hours then grew to four, but finally settling at three hours in length. Luckily we didn’t have to fight for time because there were no other events scheduled on the date of the event, none before or after it concluded. Then, with the many additions the rehearsal schedule was a challenge to complete because as the event drew closer everyone had to complete rehearsals in order to sequence the acts properly.

How did you or other stakeholders deal with those issues at the time? Although this was stressful for me at times because I was one of the individuals overseeing the production and participating in it as well; however, Stakeholder expectations’ grew; however, they handled the issues well. They did want to be informed about the ongoing status of preparations for the performance. The stakeholders wanted to know the course of action and if the actions were done as promised.

Looking back on the experience now, had I been in the position of managing the project, I could have done to better manage these issues and control the scope of the project by organizing and communicating the plan effectively. Furthermore, completing assumptions related to the production and also schedule preparations well before the production should take place. That year we began preparing later than we should. We began preparing at beginning of summer for the act to take place at the first weekend of the fall. Spring preparations would work better to ensure everything was organized and well put together. Risk assessments and resource allocation plans that were documentable instead of verbal conversations would help to see the plan and stick to it.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Estimating Costs and Allocating Resources

The tasks this week is to find two resources that are useful in estimating costs and allocating resources. Searching blogs websites and computer software, discoveries showed me a number of useful tools that will fulfill this purpose. Microsoft excel and other tools based on excel were found. Google Drive also has a plethora of tools, one specifically is Google spreadsheets. and Google Drive ( both provide tips suggestions and lesson resources and videos for using the budgeting tools with both budgeting tools resource assignments, task settings, pay, and costs can be prepared. Both are very detailed in the resources that allow learning to use
Another sight, referenced on, was Bright Hub. It offers organizing tools and templates to effectively and efficiently carry out the budget and allocation process. It also informs about what should be used and not used.

Budget image retrieved from:
 Budget image retrieved from:
Levine, R. (2011). Use our excel project budget template to simply your life. Retrieved
Microsoft Project. (2003). 5 steps to prepare your project budget. Retrieved from

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Communicating Effectively

Effective Communication:
 In the email the first statement is not clears concisely understandable. Wordy, yet clear about what is needed and how it affect all parties included.  The voicemail is clear and easier to listen to what is said vs seeing and reading the email. Written communication skills are a major factor in effective written communication. Voicemail attitude and tonality expresses the need in a polite respectful but important manner. They both are documented communication. Mental documentation takes place in the face to face, unless there is recorded documentation to follow. In the F2f meeting spirit and attitude, tonality and body language improve the message. Facial expression and language are used is effectively communicated to express the needs of the requestor. Spirit, attitude and tonality are effectively communicated in all cases but the auditory and visuals enhance the message.

Working with team members effectively one must be able to create open dialogue that suits team member’s needs. After all “communication is not just the words” (Stolovitch). The Art of Effective Communication multimedia resource shows that each for can be effective. Some are more effective than the other depending on the situation. Some things that can emphasize urgency in the email is increasing the priority of importance and requesting a read receipt. Also the voicemail may or may not get checked, but in the case of the face to face meeting, the face off takes place to see if desired result happen or not.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer) (n.d.). “Communicating with Stakeholders.” [Multimedia
program].Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer) (n.d.). “Project Management
Concerns:  Communication Strategy and Organizational Culture” [Multimedia program].
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer) (n.d.). "Practitioner Voices: Strategies for Working with
Stakeholders." [Multimedia program].
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer) (n.d.). “The Art of Effective Communication.” [Multimedia
program]. Retrieved from

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blog Assignment: Learning from a Project “ Post-mortem”

Experience as a project manager for a phase of a project was a roller coaster of an experience. The communication was effective, all team members did part plus others work.  It was a great team effort. Clearly defined roles for everyone allowed team members to effectively complete individual contributions. One team member failed to complete the portion for finish the assignment for unknown reasons. The other members were able to complete the portion that was not done. We all were able to contribute to complete the required tasks. The normal group size was 4 but the one team had to have five members. The 5th member affected the entire project. Team worked well effectively through all the obstacles that arose from language barriers, time zones and geographic locations.

Starting with four team members would have allowed things to move faster and also likely enhance the final product. The fifth member that ended up leaving the group caused flow to slow down and strain on how to back track to fill gaps that were supposed to be fulfilled by the fifth member.  However the fact that his took place made the project even more gratifying because of the way the team weathered the storm to produce a high quality end result. The obstacles were efficiently resolved to keep project on target for promised due date. That experience has helped me to be interested and aware of understanding scope creep. The project was one interesting exciting and rewarding experience